Month: July 2013

  • Sharing Blankets

    It’s been a fun ride.  Xanga has been a place where I was able to put my life online and people actually read it!  I’ve met many people here, some are now lifelong friends and one of which is now my wife.  

    Anyway, I didn’t want to start a new entry so I’m just reposting my latest one as that’s where I’ll be if you need to fine me.  Mrs. jigg has convinced me to start blogging again and we’ll be posting on our Sharing Blankets site.

    See you there!

    -ray leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


    As some of you may know, Mrs. jigg and I have been doing comics on our site about our life together.  I guess that could be part of the reason why I don’t blog anymore–some of the things I say or think may potentially be an awesome comic and it would be ruined if I already disclosed it here.

    We also got into the card making business, mostly because Mrs. jigg loves doing these creativity things and partially because I can never find the card I want.  So we decided to create cards that we would give out to other people, for all kinds of holidays or events, mostly with either humor or an “awwww” factor.

    I think the most interesting thing so far, is the idea of going into business with your significant other.  It’s literally the ultimate test for your relationship.  While Mrs. jigg and I are on the same page most of the time, every now and then, there is a difference of opinion.  It’s good thing we don’t fight about anything else.

    Anyway, please come check out our comics, “LIKE” and “share” them if you they amused you and buy a card if you need one.  And if you have any ideas on what other kinds of cards you would like to see, leave a comment or email me at
